Membership Information & Policies

We welcome New Members to the Club & those wishing to do a Taster Session or Beginners Course. If you are interested in more information please use the contacts link Get In Touch!  and the Club Secretary will get back to you with details.

Bowmen of the Deans Constitution  —— Constitution Revised 2022 v1

Privacy Notice and Consent > By law we have to hold a Privacy notice, any person joining the club should have access to this notice and give their wishes on the consent form regarding contacts and use of their personal data.

Bowmen of the Deans Privacy Notice————– Privacy Notice

Data Protection, Unaccompanied Child Policy and Child Protecton Policies >When you send your youngsters to Bowmen of the Deans, you want to know what our policies are regarding Child Protection and Privacy. Below are links to  3 documents stating our policies in this area.
Bowmen of the Deans Data Protection Form———- Data Consent Form V1

Bowmen of the Deans Child Protection Policy – Child Protection Policy 

Bowmen of the Deans Unaccompanied Child Agreement – Unaccompanied Child  Agreement

GB Archery parental consent form gives a more descriptive brief on leaving Children unaccompanied – Click Here

Bowmen of the Deans Safety Rules 

Bowmen of the Deans Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy – Click Here


Bowmen of the Deans Safeguarding Adults Policy – Click Here